With beautifal sailing conditions we had 1-1-6 for the first day of sailing- with an overall lead of 3 points. 24 degrees and winds ranging…

In the 11th hour of the 2017 sailing season Team Baghdad finished on a high. Sailing the “Champion of the Champions”, both Team Baghdad teams…

Short races, short regatta. Everything done in a swift but efficient manner. Team Baghdad representing KNS did their best to hit the ground running but…

As the season get closer to its end. still a few very exciting races remains. Right now Team Baghdad has just started sailing the Audi…

Just recently in Italian Scarlino, team member Johan Barne clinched the TP52 World Championship title with German boat “Platoon”. That brings the number of Worlds…

Team Baghdad member Johan Barne has been awarded Sweden Sailing Federation’s finest award “Sailor of the Year”. According to the press release: The award “Sailor of…

Lasse Berthelsen & mannskapet i Wolfpack Racing II, forsterket med TeamBaghdad-medlem Kristoffer Spone tok NM-bronse i Match Racing. NM ble seilt vid Aker brygge denne helgen….

After three days of racing, a range of challenging sailing conditions and a host of social events, the Royal Norwegian Yacht Club (Kongelig Norsk Seilforening -KNS)…

Nok en gang en god prestasjon av Team Baghdad med Kristoffer Spone, Kristen Horn Johannessen og Lasse Berthelsen. Denne gangen var det sølv på Norgesmesterskapet…

Kristoffer Spone og Christen Horn Johannessen fra Team Baghdad lot seg ikke stoppe i årets Master-NM og stakk oppskriftsmessig av med gullet. Serien 1-1-1-2-(4)-1 var det som…